Finding the Family in Come Follow Me: Alma 17–22

Meet Abish: A Hidden Hero of Faith

In a powerful story of quiet strength and decisive action, Abish, a Lamanite woman, secretly believed in the Lord for many years after a remarkable vision of her father. When she saw the king, queen, and others in King Lamoni’s household fall to the ground by God’s power, Abish seized the moment. She ran from house to house, gathering the people to witness the miracle.

Despite the resulting contention among the crowd, Abish remained compassionate and courageous. She took the queen’s hand, leading to a miraculous recovery and a public declaration of faith in Jesus.

Abish’s long-hidden faith demonstrates her patience, resilience, and wisdom. Her proactive response in a critical moment highlights her inner strength and bravery. Abish is a true example of being prepared as an instrument for Heavenly Father’s work, showing that even quiet, enduring faith can lead to powerful, transformative actions.

We have all been called to promote important truths found in The Family: A Proclamation to the World; truths that are vitally important to the times we live in. How can Abish’s example help us be prepared for moments when we are needed?

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