We live in a day where good fathers and righteous men in a family are needed–more now than perhaps any other time in the history of the world. 

This week we learn about the power and influence of fathers from the prophet Enos. He said he knew his father “was a just man—for he taught me in his language, and also in the nurture and admonition of the Lord—and blessed be the name of my God for it.”

Blessed be God, indeed.

No doubt, Enos watched and learned from his father’s example of goodness and righteousness as a priesthood holder and prophet. 

Today it is the same.

Scriptures teach it; researchers know it:

“We as a society are responsible to build fathers. That means appreciating how a boy depends on lessons for healthy development that only other men, “who speak in his dialect,” can provide. It means a culture that appreciates and develops true masculinity, recognizing as David Gilmore found that for a man to be tender, he must be tough enough to fend off enemies; to be generous he must be intent and focused enough “to amass goods;” to be gentle, he must be able to confront danger; and to love he must be assertive and confident enough to win his wife, and protect his own. We have discovered the importance of fatherhood, now we need to better build and protect it.” (J. Erickson)

The Family Proclamation teaches these same principles:

“By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families.”

And know that if a righteous father with these characteristics was not a part of your life, you can seek out these qualities in others and build this in your own family using the Family Proclamation as your guide.

How have righteous fathers, father figures, and holders of the priesthood blessed your life?

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