Family Proclamation Lesson Plans

'All About Families' lesson plans cover key topics from the Family Proclamation and are suitable and adaptable for any age
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All About Families: Lesson Plans for Everyone

Our “All About Families” open-and-go lesson plans are the perfect resource for parents, Sunday school teachers, missionaries, seminary teachers, and more. Based on our current research of Latter-day Saint young single adults, the lessons are catered to the areas of the family proclamation which we found participants struggled with the most, along with the doctrines they least understood.

Each lesson can be completed in about 20 minutes and can be a standalone lesson or taught together and don’t need to be taught in any order. These lessons incorporate videos, simple object lessons, quotes, worksheets, journaling, and discussion questions to help strengthen testimonies of Jesus Christ and of the principles taught in the family proclamation. Though the lessons include prompts and scripts, these are only suggestions. The Spirit may guide you to focus more on one aspect of the lesson, or veer from the lesson script entirely, and that is expected. These prompts are simply provided to provide a framework for parents and teachers to start from.

Teach the doctrine

Declaring Doctrine

Listen as Elder Bednar discusses how Jesus Christ’s doctrine on the family needs to be declared, starting at 47:33.



Lessons only take approximately 20 minutes to teach



Lessons require little-to-no prep time



Lessons include worksheets, videos, and more


Lessons are appropriate and engaging for all ages

All About Families: Lesson Plans

Your Gender

What makes someone a boy or girl? Is this a trait that is based on our feelings, or does it go deeper than that? How long have we been that way? This lesson explores what it means to be a male or female, and what traits actually matter in Heavenly Father’s eyes.

Sources of Truth

Is there one “Truth” that applies equally to everyone? How do we know what is right and wrong? How can we know what sources to trust and distrust?

Stories of How I Know

What things have you experienced that have increased your faith? Have you wondered if you have a testimony?  This lesson contains powerful writing prompts to help participants recognize ways that they have had their faith strengthened.

Identity Part 1: Labels

On what should we base our identities? What labels and traits matter to God and which ones don’t? How can we know which things should define us?

Gender Complementarity

What does it mean to be “equal?” Can men and women be “equal” and still have different qualities? What traits specific to my sex can I develop to fulfill God’s plans for me?

Discerning Counterfeits

How can we tell when something is false or bad, even when it looks true and good? How does the Adversary convince us that things that are bad are actually good for us? How can we tell when we’ve had too much of a good thing?

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