Discerning Counterfeits
“Further, we warn that the disintegration of the family will bring upon individuals, communities, and nations the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets.
We call upon responsible citizens and officers of government everywhere to promote those measures designed to maintain and strengthen the family as the fundamental unit of society.”
—Paragraph 8-9, The Family: A Proclamation to the World

To teach the Family Proclamation, Paragraph 8-9, especially sentence 9B, as it relates to the dangers of heeding counterfeit ideas about family, sex, and gender:
Further, we warn that the disintegration of the family will bring upon individuals, communities, and nations the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets.
Materials Needed
Large web drawing or white board/chalk board
Use a simple filter on your phone to illustrate how real something can look even when it’s fake. Or show an example of an AI generated photo, writing, voice, etc. For example, this picture of a racoon looks real at first glance, but if you look closely, you start to see little clues: he has an extra finger, the trash can lid isn’t pressing on his fur, and his fur goes outside the trash can.
Technology now allows us to create images, voices, and writing that can seem very real. It can become hard to know what to trust. Satan has been doing this with ideas and temptations since the beginning of the world. Earning our trust so he can trick us into doing something that will cause us or others harm. How can we tell when something is false or bad, even when it looks true and good?
Main Activity
Watch the video, then play a game called “Be the spider.”
The point of this game is for participants to learn how easy it is to make anything look good, even if it’s very bad for you.
The “Be the spider” activity can be age specific. See the deep dive for topics and questions suited more for youth and adults.
What’s something really gross that you should never eat?
(Answers may include: dirt, glue, crayons, food off the floor)
Choose one of the suggestions given to you and write above the drawing of the large web. Write participants’ answers to the following questions inside the drawing of the large web.
If you had to convince someone to eat (Example: dirt) what would you tell them?
What would you need to do to convince them you wanted to help, even if you don’t?
(Example: “be nice to them,” “share toys,” “give them candy,” etc.)
If they didn’t believe you – who would they believe?
(Example: “your mom says it’s okay,” “princess’ eat it,” “Spider-man eats it,” etc.)
What ways could you make (Example: dirt) look tasty?
What lies could you tell as close to the truth as possible, that would convince them it was okay?
(Example: “dirt is full of nutrients, it will help you grow like it does with plants” “dirt looks like chocolate, it kind of tastes like it too” “dirt doesn’t hurt you when you touch it, so it won’t hurt your insides” “not all germs are bad”)
Deep Dive
Teenagers/Adults: What is something the prophets have taught us is wrong?
(Answers may include: substance abuse, sexual sin, racism, contention)
If you had to convince someone (Example: sexual sin) was okay what would you tell them?
What would you need to do to convince them you wanted to help, even if you don’t?
(Example: “be nice to them,” “learn their insecurities,” “buy them things,” etc.)
If they didn’t believe you – who would they believe? And how would you get that person to endorse it, or seem like they do?
What ways could you make (Example: sexual sin) look inconsequential, fun, desirable, or normal?
What lies could you tell as close to the truth as possible, that would convince them it was okay?
We were good at playing as spiders. Where did the spider use some of these same tactics on Crissy?
Where do these tactics show up in our lives?
(Possible answer may be “Media; Movies, social media, music, etc play a role in altering the way we perceive what is right or wrong, and often do so without us even being aware of it.”)
To enhance this discussion, consider listening to these resources as part of your preparation:
The Holy Ghost helps us recognize counterfeits through personal revelation. As President Russell M. Nelson has stated, “Personal revelation can be honed to become spiritual discernment. To discern means to sift, to separate, or to distinguish. The gift of spiritual discernment is a supernal gift.”
Discernment is a gift of the spirit that assists us in knowing what is right and wrong especially in the face of deception.
President Nelson asks us to “Plead with the Lord for the gift of discernment. Then live and work to be worthy to receive that gift so that when confusing events arise in the world, you will know exactly what is true and what is not” (President Nelson, 2016).
Jesus showed throughout scripture a guide that helps us discern when presented with teachings we are unsure about. He said, “Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them” (Matthew 7:15-20).
What do you think Jesus means by fruits? And how does judging fruits help us discern counterfeits?
Additional scriptural references and teachings about counterfeits:
- Moses on the mount with Satan (Pearl of Great Price; Moses 1:12-26).
- Satan in the garden of Eden (Pearl of Great Price; Moses 4)
- The Tree of Life and the great and spacious building (1 Nephi 8)
Sifting through counterfeits is an important part of the experience we are meant to have in this life. It gives us an opportunity to strengthen our relationship with the Holy Ghost. Satan works tirelessly to confuse, deceive and trap us. But God has given us everything we need to be able to see with a perfect knowledge, good from evil. As clear as the daylight is from the dark night.
End with a personal experience of how effective a counterfeit can be. Or share this experience from one of our team:
“I love watching movies, going to live shows, listening to music and reading or writing stories. All of these things can be exciting, informative, therapeutic, and calming for me. When I’m upset I often turn to these arts as the solution to my negative emotions. Sometimes my life becomes so consumed with it all that I wonder if I’m addicted!
“President Nelson in the October 2023 conference taught that “Any addiction—be it gaming, gambling, debt, drugs, alcohol, anger, pornography, sex, or even food—offends God. Why? Because your obsession becomes your god. You look to it rather than to Him for solace.”
“President Nelson’s words helped me realize that I need to be careful not to let my artistic outlets become my god. The thing I look to when I’m troubled or bored rather than Christ. Only Christ can bring us sincere peace and purpose in this world, and when we turn to anything but Him we are in danger of being wrapped up in counterfeits. Christ can comfort and teach us through many ways, including art. To prevent my art from becoming my god I simply say a prayer and ponder if I’m turning to Christ or not. I find the answer usually comes, and often a better way to find what I was really looking for be it art or something else.
(Moroni 7:14-16).