Week 14: Doctrine and Covenants 30–36

We learn in this week’s lesson that Thomas B. Marsh “had many afflictions because of [his] family…” Likely something many can relate to. However, God’s call to Thomas was still for him to head out and declare truth. Obviously, the lack of an ideal situation in his home didn’t stop the Lord from needing, and wanting Thomas in His service. How many times do we think, because things aren’t perfect in our own families, we aren’t worthy or useful in the kingdom? To the contrary, “if you know enough to accept the restored gospel by baptism, you know enough to share it with others.” We can preach the beauty of the principles of the proclamation of the family, from a less than ideal situation. “Of course we always want to increase our gospel knowledge,” but God has never hesitated to call upon the imperfect … In fact, just like Thomas we are also invited to open our mouths and declare the gospel (D&C 30:5). Perhaps we can also find comfort in His promise to Thomas, that as we follow the Lord’s instructions for us individually, and are “faithful​ unto the ​​​end” we will find the Lord’s loving promises that He “will prepare a place for them.” Our families are safe in His hands.

Week 14: Doctrine and Covenants 30–36

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