What things have you experienced that have increased your faith? Have you wondered if you have a testimony? 

As we finished our lessons in Psalms this week, maybe you observed how many of them were expressions of praise. There were also those that seemed to be written when the author was experiencing a trial. Like the Psalmists, we experience feelings of praise and sometimes our faith takes a hit. Stepping back to examine our personal stories can help strengthen our testimonies and even help us find joy in our own experiences.

TheFamilyProclamation.org has a self-guided 20-minute workshop to help you do that anytime, anywhere. (Look for it as part of the ALL ABOUT FAMILIES lesson plans) This lesson contains powerful writing prompts to help you and your family recognize ways that we have had our faith strengthened.

“Stories of How I Know” is a lesson that will help you learn the important skill of thinking about, and writing your personal stories. Being a good storyteller helps us with self-discovery, gives us a way to have meaningful connections with others, and can even help us heal from difficult times. We can persuasively promote and strengthen the family in society by telling our stories clearly and compellingly.

Jesus Christ is an example of being a good storyteller. He taught using parables, which are earthly stories with heavenly meanings. He told stories about everyday things like fishing, farming, home life, and nature. We can do the same when we tell stories from our own everyday experiences.

“Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord.” (Psalms 150:6)

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