by Relatable Team | Oct 18, 2021 | Come, Follow Me
More than once we may have used D&C 121 as an excuse for our own “pity party”. But reading this week’s lesson, we may read it differently. Joseph wasn’t having a pity party, although he had every right to one. He was praying for others, the Saints as a whole! His...
by Relatable Team | Oct 11, 2021 | Come, Follow Me, Identity
How important is a name? President Nelson called it “a matter of great importance” (Nov. 2018) and this week’s lesson in D&C 115:4–6 the Lord is very specific in designating the name of His church. If the name of the Church matters, what about the names and...
by Relatable Team | Oct 5, 2021 | Come, Follow Me
The family is “central to the Creator’s plan” but could it ever be used to lead someone away from God? In this week’s Come, Follow Me lesson we are reminded of the importance of humility and how a lack of it can lead to terrible trouble; leaving us vulnerable to...
by Relatable Team | Sep 28, 2021 | Come, Follow Me, Family History, Identity
How much does it matter that we love and know our ancestors? In this week’s Come Follow Me lesson we learn how the work restored by Elijah in the Kirtland temple is intended “to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the children to the fathers”...
by Relatable Team | Sep 22, 2021 | Come, Follow Me
Just like God has organized the church and priesthood offices, He has given ways for organizing families. This week’s Come Follow Me lesson teaches roles and responsibilities of priesthood offices. In Paragraph 7 of The Family: A Proclamation to the World, we receive...