by Relatable Team | Aug 16, 2021 | Come, Follow Me
Feeling chaotic? Needing a sense of order? A house of order…. for most people that means clean, tidy, organized. Verse 119 of section 88 in this week’s Come Follow Me lesson, directs us to organize and prepare ourselves. It calls, among other things, for a house...
by Relatable Team | Aug 5, 2021 | Come, Follow Me
We can all make our homes holy places. President Hinckley once told a group of single adults, “We are all … sons and daughters of God, not a mass of “look-alikes” or “do-alikes.” All of us are very much alike in our capacity to think, to reason, to be miserable,...
by Relatable Team | Aug 1, 2021 | Come, Follow Me
Have you ever given a sincere compliment to someone who knows how to receive it? Receiving well allows individuals on both sides of the exchange to be lifted, encouraged & edified. In this week’s lesson, we read of the Lord’s invitations to receive Him, His...
by Relatable Team | Jul 23, 2021 | Come, Follow Me
Many admonitions were given by the Lord in the sections included in this week’s Come Follow Me lesson. (D&C 81-83) Among them were: “strengthen the feeble knees”“bind yourselves by this covenant”“improve upon his [or her] talent”“every man seeking the interest of...
by Relatable Team | Jul 15, 2021 | Come, Follow Me
Nearly every time the Lord says in scripture some version of “be cheerful” it’s connected to some version of “I’m with you.” Cheer isn’t found in our circumstances, it’s found in faith and trust that as He says, He is with us. He has overcome the world. He will lead...