The Relatable Blog
Making connections between our culture & the gospel in everyday life.Bringing “The Family: A Proclamation to the World”
into your world.
We know there are a lot of challenging cultural issues in our day. We also know it can be sometimes difficult to make sense of things from a Christian worldview.
We’re here to work through it together and learn how the family proclamation relates to us all.
Understanding the Doctrine: Gender & Identity
President Nelson: The Earth was Created so that Families Might Be
Latest Articles
Finding the Family in Come Follow Me Lesson 23: John 14-17
Just prior to His betrayal and Crucifixion, what was on Jesus’ mind? What did He do, what was it He asked of the Father in those last sacred moments with His friends? Oneness. This last general conference, our own modern day prophet shared similar sentiments in his...
Don’t Miss Episodes! Jeff Bennion and Brent Andrewsen
Do you want to compassionately and faithfully approach the intersection of LDS faith and the LGBT community? Understanding the difference between innate, immutable and essential identities can make a big difference in that effort! In this 2-part discussion Jeff and...
People of the Proclamation: Hunter’s Story
Hunter Murphy, a young adult from Glendora California shares his feelings about "The Family: A Proclamation to the World" and the doctrines within. Watch the interview clip here.
Finding the Family in Come Follow Me: Lesson 21
Jesus is coming. That reality has been talked about with great anticipation for millennia. Commentary surrounding the prophecies and signs rarely satiate the eagerness and watchfulness that is characteristic of His followers. It is also common for many, in waiting and...
People of the Proclamation: Olivia’s story
Olivia Richins, a young adult from Lakeside Arizona shares her feelings about "The Family: A Proclamation to the World" and the doctrines within. Interviewer: What stands out to you in The Family: A Proclamation To The World? Olivia: “ The part that says ‘The family...
Finding the Family in Come Follow Me
Lesson 20: Matt 21-23; Mark 11; Luke 19-20; John 12
This week’s story of Zacchaeus is one of faith, perseverance, repentance, and redemption. Zacchaeus was a wealthy and prominent tax collector in Jericho which many considered to be sinful. Yet when Zacchaeus learned Jesus was near, he ran to see Him. However, the...
Finding the Family in Come Follow Me Lesson 19: Matt 19-20; Mark 10; Luke 18
When the Pharisees came to Jesus to ask Him questions about marriage law, Jesus chose to answer them by going back to the beginning—the creation of the world: “But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female.For this cause shall a man leave his...
Finding the Family in Come Follow Me Lesson 18: Luke 12–17; John 11
Lost. Three different parables in this week’s lesson teach of finding things that are lost. A lostcoinsheepson One is an inanimate object, the coin.Another is an animal, the sheep.And finally, a human life, the son. Some might argue the value of each lost item varied....
Finding the Family in Come Follow Me Lesson 17: John 7-10
Throughout Jesus’ ministry, people marveled at His teachings and doctrine. Whether on the hillsides or in the synagogues, His doctrine was for all. The simple.The educated.The poor.The wealthy.The young.The old.And it is no different today.He invites everyone to learn...
Finding the Family in Come Follow Me Lesson 16: Matt 18; Luke 10
In this week’s lesson we learn of Martha and her sister Mary. Martha received Jesus as a guest into her home. Anyone knows that guests and family life offer much to be “cumbered about.” Martha’s sister Mary though was seemingly unaware of all that needed done and sat...
Finding the Family in Come Follow Me: Lesson 15
Just as we gain a testimony of Jesus Christ through a desire and willingness to believe, we can begin in that same way to gain a witness of His teachings through the words of His servants; prophets and apostles. In this week’s Come Follow Me lesson we are reminded...
Finding the Family in Come Follow Me: Lessons 13 & 14: Holy Week
Come Follow Me lesson 13 relays the beautiful story of Peter’s efforts to follow Christ. Although he was unable to sustain the miraculous “walking on water” he manifested great faith and love for Christ by trying. Christ did not withhold a rescue, demanding perfection...
Understanding the Doctrine of Eternal Gender and Identity
On July 28, 1847, just four days after the Saints arrived in the Salt Lake Valley, President Brigham Young saw the Salt Lake Temple in vision. [1] He testified to the members of the church that, “The vision of it was there. I see it as plainly as if it was in reality...
Finding the Family in Come Follow Me Lesson 12: “Ears to Hear”
“Eyes to see” and “ears to hear” is a figurative way of describing those who pay attention to, and are willing to follow the prophet. It doesn’t mean we won’t struggle with some of what they say. All of us at one point or another, most likely will. This week’s Come...
Finding the Family in Come, Follow Me Lesson 11: Rest
This week’s lesson teaches that the true purpose of religion is not to create burdens but to relieve them, that Christ wants to share our burdens, and He promises rest to our souls. But callings and family relations, marriage, children as “central to God’s plan” can...